We have partnered up with Teenage Cancer Trust!

We are incredibly excited to announce that we are official partners of Teenage Cancer Trust.

Teenage Cancer Trust is a charity that puts young people first. They offer unique support by funding specialised nursesyouth workers and hospital units in the NHS so that young people have dedicated staff and facilities to support them throughout cancer treatment.

The charity ensures that any young person with cancer is given the best treatment and that their needs are met emotionally & physically. They make sure that young people have someone in their corner right from the start. The nurses and youth workers stay by their side from diagnosis through every step of their treatment, and for up to two years afterwards, so that they can recover and live life to the full.

Teenage Cancer Trust runs several events for young people with cancer. The charity brings young people with cancer together to share experiences, develop life skills, build connections. Examples of the workshops they run are the Over 18’s Digital Peer Support Programme 2022, and Trekstock’s 8-week exercise programme. Running such events allows young people with cancer to have some fun with others who have cancer like them. The sessions allow the young people to laugh and have fun and be inspired. 

You can also join in on the fun by fundraising. It can be as small as walks and runs to  treks and skydives. Up for the challenge? Sign up here 

Another way you can help and support Teenage Cancer Trust is by buying our Salcura productsWe are donating a % of our sales to the teenage cancer trust so that we can help support this incredible organisation. 

We can't wait to start this journey with Teenage Cancer Trust and make a difference in young people's lives.



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